24 January 2018

Privacy Policy

I - Privacy Policy

The entire content of this site, including, in particular, texts, graphics, images, sounds and any other information, is the property of the company GHOST CORPORATE MANAGEMENT SA (hereinafter GHOST), which holds the copyright over it, with the exception of the contents provided by any advertisers or business partners who are identified as such. The copyright protection of the contents of the GHOST company extends to all reproductions or copies obtained from the contents of this site.

By actively participating in the GHOST website, in any of the available ways, the user declares that they have read and accept to comply with the General Sales Conditions and other rules of use. GHOST reserves the right - but not the obligation - to, in the event of non-compliance with these conditions and rules, eliminate any or all content that infringes them or is considered abusive and disrespectful, as well as denying the violator access to participate in the site, without any prior notice.

The user undertakes, in the use that they make of this site, including in the sending of content that is made, to respect the applicable legislation, namely, the Code of Copyright and Related Rights, the Code of Industrial Property and the Computer Crime Law, as well as acting in good faith and using the site that does not offend any rights of third parties, namely that it does not constitute any attack based on race, nationality, ethnic origin, religion, political conviction or gender , which does not constitute defamation, incitement to theft, fraud, violence, terrorism, sadism, prostitution, pedophilia, as well as which does not use content of an obscene, indecorous or pornographic nature. The user is only authorized to make use of the contents for strictly personal purposes, being expressly prohibited to publish, reproduce, disseminate, distribute or, in any other way, make the contents accessible to third parties, for the purposes of public communication or commercialization. , namely, by making it available on another website, online service, bulletin board or message board (posting for consultation) or in paper copies, and it is also forbidden to proceed with any transformation of the contents.

It is also expressly forbidden for the user to create or introduce any types of viruses or programs that damage or contaminate it or advise third parties to do so. The content of this site is for informational purposes only, so nothing on this site constitutes advice, does not dispense with professional advice, nor does it establish any contractual relationship. GHOST is not responsible for any loss or damage, direct or indirect, suffered by any user in relation to the information contained on this site. 
The user is solely responsible for the damages, direct or indirect, caused to himself, to the GHOST company or to any third parties, related to the use he makes of the GHOST Website, committing to proceed with the necessary compensation, due to any action, claim or conviction to which it was originated from.

The GHOST company does not guarantee that the services provided by this site will function uninterruptedly or that they will be free of errors, viruses or other harmful elements.
The GHOST company is not responsible for the accuracy, quality, safety, legality or lawfulness, including compliance with the rules regarding copyright and related rights, regarding the contents, products or services contained in this Site that have been provided by advertisers or commercial partners., as well as any information contained on third-party websites to which it establishes links.
The user declares to authorize, free of charge, the dissemination, publication, use and exploitation of the contents, texts, data, images or programs sent by them to the GHOST site.

The user further declares that:

It has full legitimacy to authorize the aforementioned use, in particular, it has obtained and has the necessary copyright rights and authorizations and has ensured any payments due to legitimate third parties who own the rights to the contents, texts, data, images or programs sent by them to the GHOST site, for the purposes of its use in the terms set out in this declaration. Regarding the right to authorize the use of the contents, texts, data, images or programs sent by you to the GHOST Website contained in this declaration, there is no claim or process initiated or any discussion regarding its ownership by third parties.

There is no commitment or any condition arising from any legal relationships that may exist between the user and third parties that in any way prevent or condition the total or partial execution of this declaration in the terms defined therein.
The GHOST company disclaims any liability resulting from the lack of veracity of the aforementioned or from the violation by the user of any rights or interests legitimately protected by third parties. GHOST reserves the right to freely (without the need to invoke any reason) and at any time, remove or not publish, in whole or in part, any content, texts, data, images, applications or programs, edited by itself or by the Clients., without this giving rise to any right to compensation for Customers or any third parties.

Any dispute arising from the use of this Site, and involving the GHOST entity, must be settled at the Viana do Castelo District Court.

AGHOST is concerned with the protection, security and privacy of personal information, since we are aware of the trust you place in us in full compliance with the General Data Protection Regime (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council of 27th April 2016). The Privacy Policy presented below describes the personal information we receive when you visit the GHOST website, use its application and how we store that information.

This policy can be changed at any time, without prior notice to all visitors/users. Therefore, please check this policy periodically for any changes.

GHOST is committed to protecting the privacy of its Customers and Users of the websites it holds, as well as the contractual information it has and, in this context, has prepared this Privacy Policy in order to demonstrate its commitment and respect to the privacy and personal data protection rules.



This Privacy Policy arises because we intend to make known to our Customers and Users the general rules of privacy and treatment of their personal data, which we collect and process in strict respect and compliance with the Personal Data Protection Law.

GHOST respects the best practices in the field of security and protection of personal data, having for this purpose, approved a policy, capable of safeguarding the protection of the data made available to us by all those who in any way relate to the Company.

In this context, GHOST has a Personal Data Protection Officer who is responsible for the implementation and verification of this Privacy Policy as well as for the definition of clear rules for the processing of personal data, ensuring that everyone who entrusts us with the treatment of their personal data, are aware of how the Company deals with the data and which rights they have in this matter. To contact our data protection officer please send an email to dpo@myghost.pt.

The rules provided for in this Privacy Policy complement the provisions regarding the protection and processing of personal data, provided for in the contracts that Customers enter into with GHOST, as well as the rules provided for in the Terms and Conditions that regulate the offer of the various products and services and which are duly advertised on their websites. Please read this Privacy Policy carefully because, if you are accessing one of our websites, the provision of your personal data implies the knowledge and acceptance of the conditions contained herein. Thus, by making your personal data available, you are authorizing the collection, use and disclosure of the same in accordance with the rules defined herein.



This Privacy Policy applies exclusively to the collection and processing of personal data of individuals carried out by GHOST.



When we refer to personal data, we refer to any information, of any nature and regardless of its support, including sound and image, relating to an identified or identifiable individual.

A person who can be identified directly or indirectly is considered identifiable, namely by reference to an identification number or to one or more specific elements of their physical, physiological, psychological, economical, cultural or social identity.



The entity responsible for the collection and processing of personal data is GHOST, which provides the service to you and which, in the context, decides which data is collected, the means of processing the data and for what purposes they are used for.



GHOST, within the scope of its activity, collects and processes the personal data necessary for the provision of services and/or supply of products and the employment relationships it holds, processing data such as name, address, telephone number, telephone, e-mail address, tax payer number and citizen card number.



GHOST collects your data by telephone, in writing, through documents provided for it, or through its websites, with your consent. As a rule, personal data is collected when the Customer subscribes to one of our products or services, employees enter into an employment contract or apply for a job vacancy.

Some personal data must be provided and, in case of lack or insufficiency of such data, GHOST will not be able to enter into employment contracts, make the product or service available in question, so the Company will inform the holders of personal data of the mandatory nature of the provision of the data.

If you are not a Client or employee of GHOST, your data will only be processed if you make them available to the Company, namely if you consent to the sending of newsletters and contact for any marketing campaigns that the Company may carry out or other purposes deemed convenient, in which case the rules of this Privacy Policy will apply.

The personal data collected are processed by computer and in strict compliance with the legislation for the protection of personal data, being stored in specific databases created for this purpose and, under no circumstances, will the data collected be used for any purpose other than that for which consent has been given by the data subject.



In general, the personal data collected is intended for the management of the contractual relationship, the provision of contracted services, the adequacy of services to the needs and interests of the data subject, information and marketing actions, namely for the following purposes:

a) Execution and management of a purchase and sale or service provision contract;

b) Order processing;

c) Communication with customers and clarification of doubts;

d) Processing requests for information;

e) Processing complaints, Regulatory Processes, pre-litigation processes or exercising rights in legal proceedings;

f) Statistical analysis activities;

g) Verify, maintain and develop statistical systems and analyses;

h) Direct marketing communications (if you have consented to the processing of your personal data for this purpose);

i) Prevention and fight against fraud;

j) Request for comments on products or services purchased

k) Conducting satisfaction surveys;

l) Management and participation in events, competitions and campaigns;

When collecting the data, you will be provided with more detailed information about the use that we will make of your data.



The period of time during which the data is stored and kept varies according to the purpose for which the information is processed.

Effectively, there are legal requirements that oblige you to keep the data for a minimum period of time. Thus, and whenever there is no specific legal requirement, the data will be stored and kept only for the minimum period necessary for the purposes that motivated their collection or subsequent processing or, for the period of time authorized by the National Data Protection Commission, after which they will be deleted.



Under the terms of the Personal Data Protection Regulation, the data subject is guaranteed the right to access, update, rectify or delete their personal data, which may take place through the various contacts that GHOST makes available, such as through from dpo@myghost.pt .



GHOST may promote actions to publicize new products or services with its customers, via telephone, e-mail, CTT, SMS, MMS or any other electronic communications service, unless the Customer has objected when collecting the Data.

If you do not wish to receive these communications, you may object, at any time, to the use of your data for marketing purposes, for the sending of informative communications or inclusion in lists or information services.



GHOST is committed to guaranteeing the protection of the security of the personal data made available, having approved and implemented strict rules in this matter. Compliance with these rules constitutes an inescapable obligation of all those who legally access them.

Bearing in mind the great concern and commitment that GHOST reveals in the defense of privacy issues, several security measures were adopted, of a technical and organizational nature, in order to protect the personal data made available against its dissemination, loss, use. unauthorized alteration, treatment or access, as well as against any other form of illicit treatment.

In this sense, all personal data that is given about yourself are stored securely in GHOST's systems, which, in turn, are located in a Datacenter of the Company itself, covered by all physical and logical security measures, which we understand to be essential for the protection of your personal data.

Notwithstanding the security measures adopted by GHOST, we are obliged to warn everyone who browses the Internet that they must adopt additional security measures, namely, ensure that they use an up-to-date PC and Browser in terms of properly configured security patches, with active firewall, antivirus and anti-spyware and make sure of the authenticity of the websites you visit on the internet, avoiding websites whose reputation you do not trust.



GHOST, within the scope of its activity, may use third parties to provide certain services, namely for the processing of orders by sellers. Sometimes, the provision of these services implies access, by these entities, to personal data of our data subjects. When this happens, GHOST takes appropriate measures in order to ensure that the entities that have access to the data are reputable and offer the highest guarantees at this level, which will be duly consecrated through the issuance of a declaration that GHOST will require from these entities.

Thus, any entity subcontracted or in collaboration with GHOST will process the personal data of our data subjects, in the name and on behalf of GHOST in the obligation to adopt the necessary technical and organizational measures in order to protect personal data against destruction., accidental or unlawful, accidental loss, alteration, dissemination or unauthorized access and against any other form of unlawful treatment.

In either case, GHOST remains responsible for the personal data you provide to us.



GHOST is committed to protecting the privacy of children and does not intend to collect personal data from minors under the age of 13. If you are a child under the age of 13 and you attempt to submit your registration, your registration will be rejected and the child will be informed that we do not accept registrations from children under the age of 13. We encourage parents and guardians of minors under the age of 13 to regularly monitor and supervise their children's email use and other online activities.



GHOST reserves the right, at any time, to make adjustments or changes to this Privacy Policy, so you should periodically review our privacy policy.



If you have any questions or comments regarding our website and/or our privacy policy, please write to us at the address indicated in the contacts.



By using our website, you confirm that you accept the terms of this Privacy Policy, as well as our Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree with the terms of our Privacy Policy and our Terms and Conditions, you are requested not to provide us with personal information and to cease using our website.



The Online Privacy Policy only applies to information collected through our website and not to information collected offline.


II - Cookies Policy


““Cookies” are small software tags that are stored on your computer through the browser (browser), retaining only information related to your preferences, not including, as such, your personal data.

If you wish, you can disable all cookies, if you prefer not to receive them. You can also have your computer warn you of the use of “cookies”. In both cases you have to adjust your browser settings (such as Internet Explorer).



Session cookies: these are temporary cookies that remain in the browser's cookie file until the browser leaves the website, so there is no record on the user's hard drive. The information collected by these cookies is used to analyze website traffic patterns. Ultimately, this allows us to improve the content and improve the usability of the website.

Analysis cookies: These are those that are well treated by us or by third parties, allow us to quantify the number of users and perform statistical measurement and analysis of how users use the service offered. We examine your navigation on our website, with the aim of improving the provision of products or services that we make available to you.

Advertising cookies: These are those that, when well treated by us or by third parties, allow us to manage more effectively the offer of advertising spaces that exist on the website, being able to analyze your browsing habits and show you advertising related to your profile navigation.



If you prefer not to allow cookies, you have the possibility to disable cookies in the internet browser (browser) you use, but you should bear in mind that it may prevent some web pages from being displayed correctly.

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